4 Mar 2012

Topmost Therapy Counselor declares: Angelina Jolie is MALNOURISHES!

A top American TV therapy counselor has said how he meditates Angelina Jolie looks ‘malnourished’. Dialog on The View, which is mainly like an American Loose Women, Dr Drew from Topmost American show Celebrity Rehab said:

“I just see malnutrition for some reason there, and we shouldn’t look at that as an ideal of beauty. Angelina Jolie a beautiful woman, but Angelina Jolie needs to be better nourished.”
He said he felt ‘obligated’ to say something after being shocked by those pictures of Angelina Jolie’s leg sticking out her dress from The Oscars.
“I’m tired of keeping quiet about this stuff, when I was quiet about prescription drug use and then everybody starts dying, now I feel an obligation to speak up, Angelina Jolie’s malnourished. Angelina Jolie has the shames of malnutrition.”

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