This sort of reminds me of the old days. Think back several years ago (circa 2009) when many of us FarmVille Freaks were playing FarmVille for the first time. Before we were bombarded with endless amounts of Limited Edition items, there was one standard Market item that every farmer wanted- the Villa.
Similar to FarmVille Hawaiian Paradise’s Hawaiian Villa, the original FarmVille Villa also cost 1 million Farm Coins. Back then, the Villa was our something to strive for, it was a status quo. Having a Villa on your farm meant that you had arrived into the professional virtual farming ranks and were no longer a newbie.
Perhaps, if you’ll allow it, this Hawaiian Villa can also be a new challenge for you on your new Hawaiian farm. Most farmers who aren’t willing to drop the Farm Cash for pricey items, will instead have to work their way up from the bottom to earn Coconuts. As you already know Coconuts are the preferred currency in Hawaiian Paradise and your Farm Coins are no good there.
FarmVille Beat Hawaii Notice
FarmVille 1,000,000 Farm Coconuts | FarmVille Hawaiian Villa |
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